Irregular logging of logins in Citrix Director

Attention: This blog post was originally written in Swedish but has been translated with Google.
The other day we discovered that Citrix Director was not logging/displaying all logins in a customer's XenApp 7.6 environment. Out of an environment consisting of approximately 250 logins per day, we could see the equivalent of approximately 40 logins between 07:00-09:00.
Upon further investigation, we saw that the registry value in "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" for the key "Citrix UPM UserMsg" looked a bit strange. The first is that it looks like the value of "Citrix UPM UserMsg" is trying to go to a folder, when it should actually go to an .exe file. The value in "HKLM\…\Run" for key "Citrix UPM UserMsg" differs between different VDA versions.

In order for Director to log correct login times for all users, you need to set the Run These Programs At User Logon setting in a GPO with the value:
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\User Profile Manager\UpmUserMsg.exe" wait
In VDA 7.7 and higher it did not work and needs to be changed to:
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\Virtual Desktop Agent\upmEvent.exe" wait
This may be unique to our environments. Rather, the solution should be to replace the registry value.